Alaska 2018, Cory and I took my mom (Wanda) on a trip, to take in the sites and sounds of America's last great frontier. On this particular day we booked a site seeing cruise with Kenai Fjords Tours. The tour would take us through Resurrection Bay and all around Kenai Fjords National Park. We would witness ice calving from the Aialik Glacier into the Aialik Bay and we would see a wide variety of wildlife including Orcas, Seals, Sea Lions, Dolphins, 2 types of Puffins and many other sea birds.
The Kenai Fjords Tour did not disappoint, we had not left the dock yet, when looking over the taffrail (at the stern of the boat) we found a Sea Otter floating on its back roughly 15 feet away. While we tourists got settled and the crew prepared to cast off, the Otter lazily drifted in the marina, occasionally stretching and possibly oiling and maintaining its waterproof fur. I have learned through nature shows that Sea Otters secrete an oil from oil glands and that they rub it all over themselves, coupled with interwoven hair follicles, this produces a water proofing effect which allows them to stay warm in very cold waters.
Regardless of what it is actually doing here, this Sea Otter is incredibly cute!